I will help you make your Future better
A Psychic Reading with me will let me help you...
Heal your Past, Cope with your Present
and Explore your Future
--- My Services ---
For your concerns about your Life and your Future
concerning your...
Feelings of Loneliness, Emptiness, Sadness
Job, Career & Finances / Love Relationships & Dating
Questions on Health or Illness / Legal Issues / Relocating
Business Decisions / What to do to Feel Whole again
Family & Children / Departed Loved Ones
And so much more...
--- I am here for you ---
I have expanded my hours
making myself more available to all of those in need of
My Psychic Readings about you
by Telephone or at my Office
--- Let me help you, as I am only a Phone call away ---
With my over 45+ years of
Psychic Reading and Counseling Experience
I provide more than a Private Psychic Reading
--- What to expect and how to deal with it ---
May your Future bring to you all the Joy your Heart can hold
For Further Information or to make an Appointment
By Telephone or at My Office
For a Psychic Reading with me...
Broadcast Pioneers
A Member of the Radio & Television Industry for over 45+ years.
Psychic on TV appearances with Maury Povich, Larry King, Irv Homer, and many others to name a few.
Featured Nationally and World Wide on Court TV's Hit Show "Psychic Detectives".
Repeatedly Interviewed on TV Channels 3, 6, 10, 12, 29, 39 & 57.
As a long trusted Psychic Medium
Valerie provides Psychic Readings at her office in Philadelphia PA or by telephone
to her clients that also include many stars and celebrities.
Adviser Valerie Morrison - Psychic Medium as a regular guest on Radio & Television for the past 45+ years
currently can be heard on Radio Stations WVLT Cruisin 92.1 FM broadcasting monthly from Vineland NJ
and on WOGL 98.1 on Special Occasions broadcasting from Bala Cynwyd.
Valerie's psychic abilities and psychic predictions, together with her many years of counseling experience
brings to you guidance for your concerns about 2024 and your...
Job, Career & Finances, Love Relationships & Dating,
Family & Children, Health or Illness, Legal Issues,
Relocating, Business Decisions and of course
Living & Departed Loved Ones.
Valerie's hope is that her advice, observations, and her psychic predictions about you and your loved ones
will make Peace and Happiness always be the greatest part of your life
and that your Future will bring to you all the Joy your Heart can hold.
Valerie's office is conveniently located in the Roxborough section of Philadelphia PA near Manayunk
with clients coming from the Philadelphia area, the Philadelphia suburbs, South Philly, Northeast Philly, Bucks County, etc
while visitors looking for a Psychic in New Jersey NJ, South Jersey and Northern New Jersey
or a Psychic in Delaware DE or the Pennsylvania PA suburbs, are just a short ride away.
Additionally her phone is kept busy with clients calling
from every state within the United States and Internationally from the rest of the world.
Those that have tried psychic readings from california psychics
often find Valerie's more local presence more appealing.
Valerie has also been interviewed in many prestigious newspapers such as
USA Today, Front Page "Philadelphia Daily News", etc.
Additionally Valerie can also be heard on the Radio and during these shows
she offers free online psychic readings (you may call in for a one topic question, free psychic readings)
or uses the Radio Show as a platform for just general psychic chat and discussions about the paranormal.
Valerie's own particular technique for "Psychic Readings"
is only though her Clairvoyant, Soothsayer and Psychically Psychic abilities.
She does not call herself a Fortune Teller nor does she use a Crystal Ball, Tarot Cards, Tea Leaves, Palmistry or Astrology.
Psychic Readings Philadelphia and Psychics Philadelphia and Psychic Mediums Philadelphia and Best Psychics in Philadelphia Area
When searching for the best medium or local mediums near me or a psychic near me
or psychic mediums near me or psychics near me or a palm reading near me open now...
Look no further as I am here for you.
I have been serving clients at my office from zip code areas such as
19134, 19082, 19104, 19111, 19114, 19115 and 19119 etc., etc., etc. for years.
For your next genuinely best psychic reading, please contact Philadelphia Psychic Valerie Morrison.
For your concerns in your life about your...
We proudly present...
Upcoming Scheduled Psychic Radio Talk Show "Appearances"
Valerie Morrison
Psychic Medium
Monday Night March 3, 2025
7 PM to 8 PM
Tune to Radio Station...
WVLT Cruisin' 92.1 FM
Or you may click "LISTEN" from your computer at
www.WVLT 1.com
www.WVLT 2.com
Listen to the Steve Tatz Talk Radio Show...
"Get Over It"
Valerie is Steve Tatz's monthly Psychic guest
and will be taking your calls for your...
One Free Question
about your 2024 Predictions
Radio Studio Call-In Line:
Vineland, New Jersey
The WVLT 92.1 Broadcast Reception in the
New Jersey, Delaware and Philadelphia Area
And remember, as an online psychic
for those that live outside of the WVLT broadcast reception area...
WVLT has Live Streaming
Psychic Valerie Morrison is Radio Host Steve Tatz's Guest
on Steve's Radio Show "Get Over It"
usually Broadcast the First Monday of every Month
from 7 PM to 8 PM
For your 1 Free Psychic Question
for your Free Fortune Telling along with Free Online Live Psychic Chat
Listeners are encouraged to be sure to Call 856-696-0092 into
Valerie Morrison's Live Psychic Radio Talk Show
for your Free Psychic Readings by phone
For a psychic free or mediums near me free...
Listen to Steve & Valerie your Fortune Teller online
"Live" from your computer
By clicking here: www.WVLT1.com
By clicking here: www.WVLT2.com
One click above does it all
--- No Form to fill out ---
Clicking above will keep you from never missing Valerie's Radio shows
For further Information or to make an Appointment...
For a Psychic Reading with Valerie Morrison
at her Office or by Telephone
Valerie Morrison personally answers all her Calls & Emails
Valerie Morrison - Psychic Medium
377 Green Ln
Philadelphia, PA 19128
(215) 483-8881
Psychic Readings by Telephone Worldwide or at my Office
Located in the Roxborough / Manayunk Section of Philadelphia
Psychic Valerie Morrison
Special "Appearances"
WOGL 98.1
Court TV's "Psychic Detectives"
Psychic Detectives (also known as Psychic Investigators) is a television program
produced by StoryHouse Productions for Court TV.
The program documents real-life cases of situations in which police departments
have enlisted the aid of psychics in solving difficult cases.
A psychic is a person who has the ability
to perceive information hidden from the normal senses.
The series production used a selection of well recognized intuitives, crime psychics,
psychic detectives and supporters of paranormal beliefs such as Phil Jordan,
Noreen Renier, Rosemarie Kerr, Carol Pate and of course Valerie Morrison.
Valerie's Psychic abilities were instrumental
in the solving of this murder
Court TV film crews filmed the re-enactment footage on location at
Valerie Morrison's office in Philadelphia, the murder scene in Fairmount Park,
the lost teenage girl's home (rented for filming from the current owners),
& interviewed the law enforcement detectives and the prosecutor involved with this case.
Newspaper articles about Valerie and this case
appeared in...
Michael Klein - Editor
and Front Page in the...
Local Psychic Helps Law Enforcement
Valerie is interviewed by...
KYW News Radio 1060 AM
Correspondent "Michelle Durham"
Psychic Advice
Valerie is interviewed by...
CBS 3 Eyewitness News
Correspondent "Lesley Van Arsdall"
When this Interview with Psychic Valerie Morrison
was played during the 5PM, 6PM and 11PM Newscast,
a Strange Fog was seen appearing in the video.
Video taken with the same camera before and after
Valerie's Interview were clear and normal.
The CBS Channel 3 Cameramen and Video Editors
with all their many many years of experience
had never seen their camera equipment
behave in this way before.
Valerie commented that there have been times
when her picture is taken, her Aura appears
on her pictures when they are developed
as per an example below.
And this interesting note...
Valerie taught a Parapsychology Class
at Thomas Jefferson University
focusing on how to see Auras,
Aura Colors & Aura Meanings
and how to interpret
a Aura Reading.
Near Death & Out of Body Experiences
Psychic Valerie Morrison is interviewed by...
NBC Channel 10 News
Medical Correspondent "Kathie McDermott"
On the brink of Death's Door a brilliant White Light comes into view.
Brighter than any light you have ever experienced before, you find that you are
mesmerized by it and can stare directly into it with out it hurting your eyes.
You follow it through a winding and twisting tunnel and arrive on the "Other Side" where
you meet those that have past before you and sometimes our Creator.
The Near-Death Experience, aka NDE- Sure we all heard of them, after all 5% of the
population of every country, regardless of culture or religious preference,
experiences them.
OK, so our "Medical Experts" now tell us that the white light appears to us at the moment
of death as a reaction to the brain shutting down, and to be fair, this is further
substantiated by jet fighter pilots who also report the same phenomena
after passing out from huge "G" forces when training in a centrifuge.
So it is now believed by our "Medical Experts"
to be merely a rarely encountered physical occurrence,
but what is their explanation for the visits one has to the other side?
Purely a very vivid dream they will say.
But how do the "Medical Experts" explain the Out-Of-Body Experience, aka OBE,
that some people experience along with their Near-Death Experience,
where one rises up from their body and floats to the ceiling and when looking down,
see themselves being worked on frantically
by those in the emergency room, accident scene, etc.
Another vivid dream?
You won't convince Psychic Valerie Morrison who, after having a Near-Death Experience
with a brain aneurysm some years ago, floated above her body and when looking down, saw,
in addition to her doctor and nurses working on her,
a pair of sneakers on top of a locker in the operating room.
After she returned to her body and later in the recovery room,
she told her story to her doctor.
The janitor was summoned and with the aid of a ladder
found the sneakers just where Valerie said they would be, and no,
Valerie could not see them from the operating table where she was being operated on.
During another account,
a woman floated above her body and was hovering above the ceiling fan,
so close to it that she could read and later remember
the brand and part of the fan's model number
and stories similar to this keep recurring.
In the very near future researchers in the United States and the UK
will be conducting an unusual experiment to authenticate
the Out-Of-Body Experience phenomena.
All patients having traumatic surgeries will be interviewed in the recovery room.
Those discovered as having an OBE where they floated above their bodies,
will be asked what they saw when looking down into the operating room.
When patients start to answer that they saw a picture of the Eiffel Tower
laying flat on a table facing the ceiling, a picture planted before the patient's
operation by the researchers as part of this experiment...
What will our "Medical Experts" tell us then?
Promoting their hit Medium TV Show
Starring Patricia Arquette as the Medium on TV
Psychic Medium Valerie Morrison is interviewed by...
NBC's Channel 10 News
"The Investigators"
For the Medium Show and Medium Series
Click on the Medium Website Here
When searching for...
spirit mediums near me or spiritual mediums near me:
For further Information or to make an Appointment...
For a Psychic Reading with Valerie Morrison
at her Office or by Telephone
Valerie Morrison personally answers all her Calls & Emails
Valerie Morrison - Psychic Medium
377 Green Ln
Philadelphia, PA 19128
(215) 483-8881
Psychic Readings by Telephone Worldwide or at my Office
Located in the Roxborough / Manayunk Section of Philadelphia
We are proud to announce that...
Valerie Morrison - Psychic Counselor
Is deeply honored to have been included in the newly released book...
Legendary Locals of Center City Philadelphia
by Author Thom Nickels
(Author of many articles in the huffingtonpost.com, etc.)
Valerie Morrison humbaly accepts this honor
as she shares the pages of this book with contemporary notables such as...
Sylvester Stallone (Actor - Rocky Balboa)
Kevin Bacon (Actor - Footloose)
And from our past...
Grace Kelly (Actress & Princess of Monaco),
Saint Katharine Drexel (Canonized to Sainthood),
Pearl S. Buck (Author - The Good Earth),
Marian Anderson (Singer & Civil Rights Advocate),
Mother Divine (International Peace Mission),
Mario Lanza (Opera Singer)
and Edgar Allan Poe (Author - The Raven)
to name just a few.
Valerie Morrison is featured in the
100th Anniversary Issue of the prestigious...
In this issue celebrating
Philadelphia Magazine's 100th year of publication
are highlited
The "USA TODAY" Newspaper
Correspondent "Andrea Stone" Photographer "Eileen Blass"
A Happy Medium
Medium Valerie Morrison is interviewed by...
The "STAR" Newspaper
Correspondent "Jon Campisi" Photographer "Matt Godfrey"
Psychic Thoughts About The Economy
Psychic Valerie Morrison is interviewed by...
KYW News Radio 1060 AM
Correspondent "Hadas Kuznits"
A Dreaded 5 Star Review
Received from Donald Sloan in January 2012...
January 2012
Donald Sloan
Philadelphia, PA
Psychic Medium Valerie Morrison saved my life - Literally
I had met Valerie Morrison, not as a client, but socially several times in the past.
During the course of one of these social encounters with Valerie she had overheard me complaining to someone
about my ribs being sore which I believed was caused by a recent fall I had taken down the steps at my parent's home.
Valerie came over to me, and with her proclamation of our past social encounters now to her a friendship kindly acknowledged
and with my privacy assured, respectfully said to me that she believed that there was something else more severally wrong with me
and insisted that I immediately get a thorough battery of blood tests taken as a precaution.
I of course resisted her notion but with her unwavering and continued gentle persistence, I finally agreed.
When the results were in and with Valerie insisting to be at my side at the specialist's office,
the blood work revealed that I was in the final stage of a Bone Cancer with the prognosis of few months of survivability.
I had heard many stories from others about Valerie's unusual attributes as a psychic
but I never thought I would come to ever experience it myself first hand.
I discovered later in speaking with Valerie's manager that, in addition to Valerie's other psychic talents,
what Valerie had "seen" and "felt" for me about my physical state of health
was not unusual as she occasionally will experience this paranormal "sight"
and that over the course of her career of many many years
she has received letters from doctors puzzled and in awe of those that she referred to them for second opinions
with similarly undiscovered hidden ailments that no doubt had saved or extended many lives.
Immediately I underwent 6 months of chemotherapy and bone marrow transplant procedures.
It is almost 2-1/2 years ago now since my diagnosis, and while my future survival is still in jeopardy,
I owe the extension of my life to Valerie's concerned intervention and I will be forever grateful.
God Bless you Valerie for the risk you took confronting me with your "feelings"
that most other non believers might have been angered by and ridiculed you for.
You are a true kind hearted and caring soul.
Donald Sloan
September 22, 1956 - July 21, 2014 at 1PM
Until it is my time to see you once again...
Goodbye Dear Friend
Synopsized from the...
Roxborough Review Newspaper
September 4, 2014
In Memory of Don Sloan
Hey blue eyes, remember us Valerie and Frank?
Well, we remember you Mr. President. That was my nickname for you (Don was the President of the Roxborough Historical Society) and while Frank had plenty of other names he called Don,
we both miss you so very much.
Your smile, not here.
The way I would accompany you when you would go to see Dr. Ali for your treatments and such, and then stop to call Frank and let him know how you were doing,
and then share a meal.
Your tomatoes and flowers that you planted right before you left us are blooming now,
and your cat is fine but still looks for you.
Every chance we had we would all talk.
Whoever said silence is golden was so wrong.
You made your mark on us and we feel your presence everywhere, you the man who fought so hard to live, but right now, I know you are dancing with another who looks just like me, yes, her name is Helen.
You were and still are loved Don
and you will always and forever live in our Hearts.
One day, when it is our time,
we all shall see you once again but until then
only our fond memories of you will have to do.
Never let us go.
Goodnight Mr. President-
Valerie Morrison, Frank and Brenda
Goodnight Sweet Prince-
Raye Ann sends kisses
When searching for...
a psychic reading near me or a psychic reader near me:
For further Information or to make an Appointment...
For a Psychic Reading with Valerie Morrison
at her Office or by Telephone
Valerie Morrison personally answers all her Calls & Emails
Valerie Morrison - Psychic Medium
377 Green Ln
Philadelphia, PA 19128
(215) 483-8881
Psychic Readings by Telephone Worldwide or at my Office
Located in the Roxborough / Manayunk Section of Philadelphia
Cristopher Reeve
October 10, 2004 (Age 52)
Dana Reeve
March 6, 2006 (Age 44)
Valerie Morrison helped Chris and
Dana promote their Foundation and
then later received this card
from them.
I miss you so much but...
You are Together Again
Chief Carmen Pettine
February 24, 2020
My Hero
David Cassidy
April 12, 1950 - November 21, 2017
A Man who Loved Everyone
Irv Homer
May 29, 1924 - June 24, 2009
The Godfather of Talk Radio
Edwin D. Rice, Jr.
"The Amazing Mr. DEE"
May 21, 2012
As Valerie Morrison notes the anniversary
of Edwin D. Rice, Jr.'s passing
I pause once again and remember
the honor of once meeting
this truly remarkable, best of the best
psychics in pennsylvania
and kind gentleman.
mr dee psychic
Lorraine Warren
Paranormal Investigator / Author
April 18, 2019
I first met Lorraine Warren and her wonderful husband Ed in the Green Room of a National Television Show before our combined guest appearances on the show.
Over the years we kept in touch discussing all aspects of their paranormal investigations.
It was an honor to have known them and the help and support they gave to those afflicted with severe hauntings and possessions.
I just wanted to let you know that even after trying
all the other "On Line" Psychics, ie: Mystic Sense,
Purple Garden, Kasamba and Keen...
I ended up having a phone reading with you.
As you know that during this crisis that we are all going
through, it has been wonderful that I and others who
have gone to you for psychic readings at your office in
the past, can still get a psychic reading with you as
you also have always provided psychic readings by telephone as well.
My recent reading with you on the phone proved to be
just as accurate as having psychic readings with you at
your office in the past.
Your phone reading with me additionally was very
helpful to me as your advice and guidance also provided
me hope for the future.
I wish to thank you again as I admire the service that
you provide to your clients both as a counselor and a psychic.
I was searching for a botanica spiritual store near me to
buy a present for my daughter's birthday when I found
your business listing Valerie.
In reading your website I found that you do not sell any
of these things and found it to be a very refreshing
change as most psychics during their readings try to sell
you these things to make as much money on you as
In addition to your extraordinary credentials, having
this added respect for you was one of the reasons I
made a appointment with you for myself. Thank you for
being so reputable, doing what you do with "no strings
attached" only psychically and also offering your
completely free psychic readings when you do your
monthly radio show.
You are a true and genuine psychic clairvoyant that
helps people without helping yourself.
As I was searching Google for real mediums and psychic
readers near me about 3 months ago I found your
psychic readings in philadelphia listing in the bob olson
psychic directory called the
bestpsychicdirectory which,
by the way, is also a great psychic resource tool to learn
about mediums and psychics, how do mediums work,
mediumship, etc., etc. and it also lists both female and
male psychics for your preference if so desired.
Being impressed with your psychic ability and the many
awards you received doing what you do, I made an
appointment with you 3 months ago.
During my reading, you provided me with what I
needed to know about my impending future. I must say
that your predictions about my future proved to be very
accurate as many, since my reading 3 months ago, have
come true.
Thank you so much Valerie for your guidance and advice
as it has been very much appreciated.
Looking for a good psychicsource and real psychic
readings free online I found your Psychic Reading Live
Radio Event Listing on Google.
Thank you for providing this service, the First Monday of
every Month from 7 PM to 8 PM, that allows people to
get mini psychic readings free by tuning into your
monthly radio show.
Your psychic online readings that you provide via the
radio station's monthly live streaming with you as their
guest psychic is very much enjoyed by me and my
In addition to your Office Readings, thank you Valerie
for also providing psychic phone readings as well
because with my mobility issues, talking to a psychic by
phone really is very convenient for me. Having a psychic
reading by phone also eliminates my great fear of
driving as well.
With this in mind and after having a psychic phone
reading with you, I must say that I was blown away
with your ability.
As you may recall a couple of months ago I found a
california psychics phone number that I would call and
each time would get a different psychic. Later I got a
california psychics login but again I was speaking to a
different psychic each time.
I found, in my case, that these california psychics free
readings to not be dependable and decided not to use
the "phone psychics" but to pursue finding those
psychics that provided local psychic readings near me in
my hometown in West Chester, PA. That is when I found
you not far from me and I must say that you are all that
I have been looking for in a psychic and more.
Thank you so much for giving me a medium psychic
reading as it has helped me so much with the guilt
feeling that I have been carrying around with me for
many months. The things you told me only I knew.
You are indeed unquestionably genuine and the best
psychic reading medium that I ever had the good
fortune of meeting.
I started listening to you years ago when you were on
the Irv Homer psychic talk show during my lunch time
from my car and years later I continued to listen to you
on Irv's psychic blog talk radio shows where you also
gave talk radio psychic readings to your many followers
and most recently on the WVLT psychic radio facebook.
You're on air psychic radio reviews were many and keep
coming from all your listeners and all during your spirit
talk radio shows over the years I had met people from
time to time who had readings from you that had said
so many wonderful things about you.
As you know I finally made an appointment with you
last month and I must say to you once again that I was
very impressed with all that you had to say about me
during my reading.
Please enjoy your evening knowing you have yet
another believer in all your psychic talk and cosmic
If you recall I was searching for a medium psychic near
me where I live in new jersey and found your Radio
Show that you do out of Vineland, NJ. Realizing that
you were not a medium in new jersey but that your
office is in Philadelphia and it was only a short hop
over the bridge from my house and I am so very glad I
made the short trip to see you.
My psychic reading with you was outstanding. Thank
you for your session about my husband who had passed
and his message from the grave to me that no one else
could have known or even guessed. It has brought me
so much comfort and closure.
As a tv psychic enthusiast who enjoys watching psychic
medium tv shows I have found you to be the best
psychic medium on tv as you demonstrate the most
genuine sympathy towards the victims you are trying to help.
Of all the mediums on tv you are a True Psychic Seer.
God Bless You!
You are but one of just a very few real psychic
mediums. This you have demonstrated to my astonishment at my reading with you the other day. You
have given me much to ponder.
It was great to talk to a medium (you) that knows what
they're doing.
For you to be a psychic on tv news
reports, interviews, etc., repeatedly says a lot about
you and my reading with you has proven to me that you
are no doubt the "Real Deal".
There are only a handful of famous psychic mediums, as
are you, to be relied upon.
God Bless you and thank you again for all your
Listening to your live psychic readings on your radio
show every month has been very inspiring for me and
as one of many on a very limited budget, also a great
way for us to get a mini psychic reading free.
Your radio show is also a great way for us shut-ins who
can't drive, to call a psychic rather than not being able
to ever see one at all.
Thank you for your kind consideration for us less
fortunate people to be able to call psychic Valerie
Morrison to talk to you about our concerns on your radio
It has been very helpful listening to your advice and
your psychic readings live on the air.
Valerie, I was looking for psychics and mediums online
specifically for the new york medium psychic that's on
TV, when I found you, also a TV psychic medium.
I really enjoyed seeing your Psychic Detectives episode.
Thank you for helping law enforcement when you are
called upon to help. I see also that you are listed
amongst the best American psychics as well.
Keep up the good humanitarian work that you do and
know that you are fully appreciated by many.
I did a free psychic call into your Radio Show the other
night and found you to be the most sensitive psychic
that I have ever spoken to and I admire your
psychic reading accuracy.
I thank you for allowing free psychic readings over the phone during your Radio Show. Please also thank the
Radio Host Steve Tatz for me for repeatedly giving out his Radio Studio's psychic phone number to all us
listeners of your Radio Show.
Also thank you for clearing up the medium vs psychic
meaning as I thought that a medium was just
another name for psychic and now I know truly what
psychic means.
I found your Website after trying to
find a medium near me in King Of Prussia, PA.
After seeing you for a Reading this past week I must
admit you are no doubt the best psychic in Philadelphia,
New Jersey and Delaware. Believe me as I have tried
them all!
Thank you so much for your uncanny accurate
assessment of me. I have found a new wellness about
myself with you and I will gratefully follow your advice.
I don't know if you remember me but I sure remember you!
On my quest to find a psychic in Philadelphia,
many years ago I went to a psychic fair near me that,
if I remember correctly, was in the Plymouth Meeting, PA area.
Making a psychic connection there was inevitable
as there where many psychics there at this particular psychic convention each with their own booth
promoting themselves and as I said psychic encounters were made one after the other as you walked down
each aisle.
After seeing each promoting their psychic crystals,
candles, psychic cards and psychic books it got
very dull very fast until I saw you walking down one of the aisles coming towards me.
I had not seen you since I went to one of your
appearances on the Maury Povich show
"People are Talking" that once was broadcasting in Philadelphia years ago.
I had never interacted with you on the show
as I was just a curious member of the studio audience.
Our eyes met and you came up to me and hugged me
with both your hands on my upper back.
After your long embrace with me that seemed to tingle,
with your right hand still in place you dropped your
left hand down to my right kidney and patted it there
saying "don't worry everything will be alright".
You had no way of knowing that I was having trouble
with my right kidney and I was awaiting a test report
that everyone feared to be very bad.
I started to cry as our embrace was broken from
the push of the crowd walking in the aisle.
Your "don't worry everything will be alright"
gave me the strength to endure the wait for my diagnosis and when it came I was so relieved to be told
that "everything was alright" and I would not require any further surgery.
In retrospect I believe now that the tingle I felt
in your embrace with me that day was truly you giving me a psychic healing as my Doctor could not explain
the improvement in my kidney.
Not being good with a computer and a procrastinator at heart and now with no excuse after finding your
email address and learning how to use a computer,
I wanted to give you this long overdue thank you.
Of the several thousand people in the crowd that day
I want to thank you for finding me and the very special
attention that you gave me.
As you may recall, I was looking on google
for a tarot reading near me when I found you.
You told me that you do not use tarot cards,
just your psychic medium ability.
I told you that I had seen many psychic mediums before
and was not happy with the results
but I said that I would give another medium (you) a try.
I have got to tell you that I am so very happy
with my psychic reading that you gave me last night.
It was astonishing! You are so gifted and you are no doubt the best of all the psychic mediums in nj
that I have had readings with before.
My observations since my psychic session with you:
Need a...
psychic love reading?
Have a psychic yes or no question?
Do you...
Call a 800 psychic number?
Use a mobile psychic app?
Get a free psychic reading by email?
No! No! No!
This is not the way to get genuine
psychic medium readings. Trust me, I tried them all.
Go right to the source.
I found you dear Valerie Morrison to be the best psychic around.
Thank you again Valerie for your complete
understanding of my needs and fears in my life
along with your exceptional guidance to deal with them
that has already helped me greatly with these situations
and of course your unwavering kindness.
Are psychics real? Are psychics accurate? Are psychic mediums real?
Over the years I have had psychic encounters with several psychics and fortune telling people and have found that most are not, that is until I met you Psychic Valerie Morrison.
You truly have the psychic energy and ability. Thank you for doing a psychic love reading for me which has helped my relationship so very very much. What a great Psychic you are!
We were searching for psychics west chester when I found your web site.
Your credentials as a psychic are certainly impeccable but what also impressed us about you is your passion for helping people along with what you do. This can be seen by your involvement with rescuing the Tombstones on the Delaware, your Help Website for our seniors, the poor, the military, etc., etc.
Meeting you last night proved to be an even greater experience for us between the facts you knew so well about me and Bill and our loved one who we lost recently that brought us much comfort.
I must say we are impressed with your abilities as a psychic and also your compassion for humanity.
I had a reading with you three months ago and during the reading you gave me a prediction that I told you that made absolutely no sense to me and did not seem to fit my life style.
You told me to remember it and see what happens.
Well I have to tell you that, except for your advance prediction, it came totally unexpected, was nothing that typically I would be involved with, but most of all came true and I am happy for it.
For over 8 years now I have found you to be the best psychic I ever had the good fortune of meeting.
Just wanted to drop you a line to tell you that my yearly psychic reading 2 months ago, as usual, proved to be very helpful to me with dealing with my particular life situations.
You never cease to amaze me with your psychic insight about me and your recent psychic predictions and observations about my life has helped me tremendously.
Thank you for seeing me last month on such short notice but as you know I needed an answer to a serious dilemma that I was just confronted with at work that I had to immediately deal with.
Your psychic read and insight on this matter proved to be the right choice and I must say that I would have never thought to have taken your particular approach on this issue.
Once again I thank you for your psychic guidance and I am forever grateful for your exceptional psychic ability that is coupled so well with your superb wisdom.
Keep up the great psychic awareness work that you do for me and others.
You have changed my life in that my recent psychic reading with you proved to be an unbelievable experience for me.
As you know for many years I had carried the guilt of not being with my Father when he died.
You are one very accurate psychic as you were able to speak with my Father who said things to you that only I would have known.
Had I not had my accurate psychic reading with you I would still be grieving his death but at my reading with you he forgave his spoiled "little girl" and with that I am finally able to move on with my life.
During a very dark time in my life Valerie's psychic reading and counselor guidance really helped me.
I would suggest to anyone who has lost their way to use the services of Psychic Valerie Morrison.
I cannot find enough words to express my gratitude.
It was both amazing and revealing what Valerie discovered about me and how I could help myself with Valerie's psychic advice being my main source of inspiration.
After following for many years John Edwards Psychic on his
show Crossing Over along with Edgar Cayce and
James Van Praagh, I am so happy that I found you near me
in Philadelphia.
The true medium definition and medium meaning is one
who can communicate with the dead and you lived up
to my expectations as you were as you know able to help
me with a past loved one and bring me so much comfort.
You are one keen psychic and I will be forever grateful
for all your guidance.
There is no end to the procession of clients I see
who's sadness and sorrow I share
along with the horror of my own loss.
I hold these lost to us
in a special place in my Heart
Sometimes from my bed in the middle of the night,
I hear a mysterious woman's horrifying scream,
...only to discover that it is me.
The hurt can be totally unbearable at times.
To fight back...
Prayers, Confidence, Someone who will listen.
But sometimes...
only a simple reckless laugh can help!
Affordable Radio Advertising
Broadcasting from Bala Cynwyd PA to the...
Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware Tri-State Area.
Business Owners
You are invited to advertise on WWDB Radio
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to the following States and Towns:
For more information about this advertising
where I did many Psychic Radio Shows
please contact WWDB Radio at...
"Turn-by-Turn" Directions
Valerie's Office
Your Home or other Starting Place
Enter your...
Valerie's Newsletter discusses many topics
Included also are explanations of the Zodiac Signs, Palm Reading, Tarot Cards and Spells...
Palm ReadingTarot CardsLibraScorpioSagittariusCapricornAquariusPiscesAriesTaurusGeminiCancerLeoVirgo Valerie personally does not take stock in the validity of Tarot Card Readings.
Each shuffel (tarot spreads) presents tarot meanings that differ each time for the person having a Tarot Card Reading.
Topics Include: Banishing Spells, Necromancy Spells, Healing Spells and even Weight Loss Spells!
My Current and Past Radio Shows
My Current Rates for Psychic Readings at my Office or by Telephone to anywhere in the World
Support our Veterans
We must never ever forget their relentless Bravery and Sacrifices to our Nation.
At the annual "Salute to our Veterans Event"
that Valerie Morrison attends every August at the Vineland Veterans Hospital,
it always becomes very clear to Valerie that our Loyalty, Support & Contributions
to our courageous Servicemen and Servicewomen can never be enough to honor them.
Let us never keep them waiting in the wings for our support...
...and let us all become their Angels of Mercy
God Bless America
Help for...
Our Senior Citizens, The Ill, Those in Financial Need and Our Servicemen
The following are some Important Phone Numbers that I have gathered together
to help lessen your burden and help you get through this difficult period of your life.
My Help Website
Includes Free or Reduced Products and Services provided by many Organizations
Such as Food, Heating, Legal Representation, House Repairs, Medical Supplies, Etc., Etc.
The WVLT Cruisin' 92.1 FM Radio Station
The "Salute to our Veterans" Event
Car Cruise
Held every year at the...
New Jersey Veterans Memorial Home
524 N.W. Boulevard
Vineland, NJ
Along with Valerie Morrison in attendance, please join...
Steve Tatz of the WVLT Cruisin' 92.1 Radio Staff
The Nostalgia Knights Classic Car Club
The South Jersey Cruisers Association
...to pay Honor to our Veterans at these events
Pictures from our past "Salute to our Veterans Events"
(Click on the picture- Once to enlarge / Twice to shrink)
(Click on the picture- Once to enlarge / Twice to shrink)
And to all the deeply Religious...
Since 1975, Valerie Morrison has been an ordained Interfaith Minister
of "The Church of Ageless Wisdom", Philadelphia Chapter.
This church represents a blend of the time honored ancient religious beliefs
coupled with a progressive pursuit to recognize the paranormal.
Valerie's Specialized Religious Guidance Training received here
aids and enhances her counseling expertise.
-- The Church of Ageless Wisdom --
(Philadelphia Chapter - Incorporated 1962)
124 S. 13th St.
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Valerie believes in the goodness of all people
regardless of Race or Faith
May your God Bless You
Valerie Morrison - Psychic Medium
Please Note
Valerie's own particular technique for Psychic Readings is only though her Psychic Powers,
Psychic Abilities, Precognition, Divination and Telepathy as a Psychic Medium.
Valerie of Philadelphia, whose profession is also known as a Soothsayer, Clairvoyant, Fortune Teller,
Prophet, Future Teller, Clairsentient, Spiritualist, Spiritual Medium and Palmists
does not use Tarot Cards as does a Card Reader to perform a Tarot Reading
or do Palm Readings as does a Palmist aka Palmistry
or use Astrology Signs or Zodiac Signs
(Aquarius, Sagittarius, Pisces, Etc.)
to tell your Daily Horoscope, Monthly Horoscope, Horoscope Compatibility, Etc.
Valerie also does not perform in Philadelphia Spells and Curses such as Spells of Magic, Wizard Spells,
Curse Spells, Career Spells, Love Spells, Money Spells, Wiccan Spells,
Black Magic Spells, Voodoo Love Spells or Magic.
Additionally she also does not perform Angel Readings, Aura Readings, Chakra Readings,
Free Oracle Readings, Cleansing with Herbs, Crystal Healing, Meditation Healing or use a Crystal Ball.
Valerie does use her own Name Numerology Chart (Arithmancy) that she developed
and sees Aura Colors and looks at palms but will not do a Palm Reading.
After a Séance Valerie performed jointly at the request of the Famous Witch Dame Sybil Leek,
Sybil as a favor in return taught Valerie her centuries old secret knowledge and enlightenment
during one of Sybil's many witchcraft rituals performed for Valerie's benefit.
In the years that followed Sybil's teachings Valerie continued to only use her own personal psychic gift
supplemented only with the good practices of Sybil's teachings.
Do love spells really work?
Even if love spells and chants really did work, these kind of relationships are doomed!
Love that is genuine and real comes only from the heart that is free to choose,
not from love spells cast for you.
Although Valerie has been often asked to perform
spells to make someone or a specific person fall in love with you forever,
simple and advanced love spells to bring back a lover, love spells chants, lust spells
and even weight loss spells and love spells that work overnight...
Valerie has steadfastly refused to use the spells and the dark side of this knowledge
and therefore Valerie does not delve into the Occult, Black Magic, Wicca, do Witchcraft
or Voodoo Spells or use a Voodoo Doll (Voodoo Spell Caster) or follow the Pagan.
For those that feel Cursed or under a Hex Spell, Valerie will Cast a Spell to remove a Curse
with her Protection Spells but only through her praying over you
as Valerie is also an Ordained Minister.
Valerie does not have a Witchcraft Store and does not sell Spell Books, Wiccan Supplies,
Wiccan Jewelry, Love Spell Perfume or Love Potions.
Additionally Valerie does not sell Tarot Decks, Yes No Tarot Cards, Celtic Cross Tarots,
Name Numerology Calculators and Astrology Tarot Cards.
A few of the many Awards
presented to Valerie Morrison
CDR Michael J. Elbert - The Commanding Officer
Trident Headquarters / Parwan, Afghanistan
& The Actual American Flag flown in the face of the enemy
"So that all shall know, this flag was flown in the face of the enemy
at the Trident Headquarters, in Parwan, Afghanistan"
It was flown for 5 hours and 30 minutes on August 1, 2010 and
presented to Valerie Morrison in appreciation for her support of our troops
by way of her long distance Counseling to our Troops by Telephone.
Philadelphia's Muslim Community
Presented to Valerie Morrison for her
10 Years of Hosting The Student's Educational Awards Program
The Mayor of the City of Philadelphia
Mayor Frank Rizzo was a guest on Sid Mark's Radio Show
and Valerie happened to be listening.
Valerie called into the show and warned the Mayor
that "he would be injured while going away from a blast".
One week later a Oil Refinery caught on fire in Philadelphia.
One of the tanks exploded and
as the Mayor was "running away from the explosion"
he fell and severely broke his hip.
Foot Note
The Philadelphia Liberty Bell Award that was given to Valerie Morrison
is Philadelphia's most prestigious award.
It has since been given to such notable recipients such as Nelson Mandela
and most recently to Pope Francis during the Mayor’s recent trip to the Vatican.
The Chapel of Four Chaplains
Philadelphia Chapter
Presented to Valerie Morrison
"In recognition of her Service to all People regardless of Race or Faith"
The White House / Washington, DC
Presented to Valerie on...
the "Panorama" Television Show - Hosted by Maury Povich
Broadcasting Studio in Washington, DC
Valerie received a telephone call from
the Armed Forces Inaugural Committee.
They had seen her on the television show "People are Talking"
hosted by Maury Povich and liked her psychic accuracy.
They asked Valerie if she could help with a weather forecast
for Ronald Reagan's upcoming Presidential Inauguration Parade
and in return would give her a seat close to the president.
Valerie told them to cancel it, that it would be much too cold that day.
With Valerie's Psychic influence, they cancelled the parade.
The temperature the day of the cancelled parade was -2 degrees below zero.
This was the first and only Presidential Inauguration Parade
ever cancelled in the history of the United States.
Valerie was presented this award in Washington, DC
on the "Panorama" Television Show - Hosted by Maury Povich
where the surprise guests, a Captain and a Lieutenant from
the United States Army Inaugural Committee proclaimed
that Valerie's weather forecast proved to be...
"more accurate than their forecast from the United States Weather Service"
Foot Note
In response to this prediction Valerie was contacted by Nancy Reagan
and became her Personal Psychic and later predicted
the unsuccessful assassination attempt on her husband
President Ronald Reagan.
When searching for...
mediums readings near me or best mediums near me:
For further Information or to make an Appointment...
For a Psychic Reading with Valerie Morrison
at her Office or by Telephone